Haven't done this for a month but market conditions are changing so time to update you! Current branding meta is starting to fade as you see and we're starting a new period in the money rotation cycle

My thoughts below

The last projects have been a deception for most people on Solana : **@kingsofdastreet,** **@JIKANSTUDIOS** and @trippyworldlabs

as an example. Everyone was waiting for mininmum x5 on mint price to flip.

A couple of next mints will do very well but 90% won't (I take bets)

As in every situation let's properly define the problem first to take effective decisions, which comes to 3 things imo : 1/ Unreal expectations 2/ Mint liquidity > Sol NFT adoption 3/ Projects valuation vs delivery

1/ Unreal expectations

For people who have been here in October / November, you know that only one or 2 mints per week made it above mint price ! In our recent euphoria period, it's been crazy to see that every collection was doing minimum x4 on listing

But the R/R ratio is simply way too low to ape in secondary listing with that liquidity spread. We were in good situation because the euphoria period has been extended by fresh money from #EthereumNFTs

Which brings me to 2/

2/ Mint liquidity > Sol NFT adoption

The number of mints we've seen in the past weeks is crazy: on average 50k-70k sol needed PER DAY to sell out collections ! And we're not onboarding new people at the same rythm on
