Hey frens, I wanted to share mint plan #7 and a few secondary analysis but important to step back first on what happened in the last couple of days

Some key takeaways to handle these events better and protect your mental health.

First of all, I hope everyone didn't hold a large bag of $LUNA or $UST. This is not something that we can take lightly as there were a lot of people invested in the Terra ecosystem and on Terra NFTs. So I send them all my strength and friendship in this dark time

It is important to protect your mental health and keep it as a priority so I wanted to share a few rule / guidelines I apply to myself and hopefully would be beneficial to you too.

A- Always keep more than 10-15% liquidity

This also depends on your portfolio size obviously but you should not get in situation where you're stuck and cannot get in the next hype mints or secondary plays.

Large investors actually recommend to aim for 40% but I know it's hard to get there and I struggle to apply it to myself, so start with a first reachable target like 10-15%.

B- Hodl only what you're comfortable holding

There are many reasons to be comfortable holding something (you like the team and the community, you trust the roadmap and utility, you love the art, you want to support a cause, etc.)

Just make sure to know why you have the liquidity stuck in this jpeg, if unsure then sell it and don't look back. This is how you will build your convictions.

C- Don't get overwhelmed by your emotions