- GVO - "Good Vibes Only"
- WAGMI- "We Are Going To Make It"
- NGMI - "Not Going To Make It"
- LFG - "Let's F*ing Go!"
- WL - "White List"
- GM/GN - "Good Morning/Night"
- DM/PM/DC - "Direct Message/Private Message/Discord"
- AMA - "Ask me anything"
- PFP - "Profile Picture"
- FUD - "Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt"
- IRL - "In Real Life"
- DYOR - "Do Your Own Research"
- IYKYK - "If You Know, You Know"
- LG - "Let's Go"
- DW - "Don’t Worry"
- GZ - "Congratulation"
- OG - "Outstanding guy / Original Gangster"
- SZN - "Season"
- FOMO - "The Fear of Missing Out"
- GMI - "Gonna Make it"