Lot of free tools exist on the market and are enough for 99% of CT which you can check here Sol NFT Tools - Free

However there are a few I use everyday and for which I was happy to buy the NFT, acting as access to the tool or app.

Portfolio Tracker

@NetrunnerNFT is my daily go-to portfolio tracker. Super extensive, include all tokens and NFT (incl. staked in custodial), can adjust to floor traits, calculate tax report, etc.

Otherwise you can get a decent one with:




WL Management

@subberxyz is what we all dreamed of : having access to a single page where you can see all the WL giveaways you can participate in, without going through all the Discord servers one by one.

Holding one key allows you to do that, saving so much of time !

Wallet notification

@GetDolphin is the one I couldn't live without to manage everything going through all my wallets, plus having floor price alerts. And that daily GM report is perfect when waking up 🙏

More info in this article How to get notifications from your wallets activity ?