Important thread on bots

Why botting is a major threat for our ecosystem and for #Solana BC ? What can WE do as a community to be part of the solution ?

I'm much more interested in growing the pie for everyone than just getting a bigger slice so let's review it :

As it's a complex discussion, I'll break this thread down in 3 parts: PART A - why is it such a threat ? PART B - what are the official solutions ? PART C - what can we do as a community ?


Botting has increased to a critical point where it becomes impossible to mint anymore, even if you're WL, or snipe on secondary.

In the last few days we've seen it developed until the network entirely stopped yesterday **@okaybears** super hyped mint went ok but buying on secondary was impossible, botters had 45-60s advance before the NFT was listed on @MagicEden and 20-30s on @coralcubenft


was catastrophic: mint was so much botted that it was impossible to mint even with WL. The 2h window was too short and less than half of the WL people were able to mint. The team didn't care

**@Oneira__** tried to mint but some dudes sent 4 million TPS to mint ... which entirely stopped the network, as low as 15tps ! Basically DDOS'ing the network At least the team decided to postpone.

What this all means :

This is a killer danger for Solana and need to be taken seriously: why would any investor put M$ on developing P2E or apps if the network stops ?