Hey frens,

I was curious about the performance from the mint plans I've shared with you and see if I can get some insights.

Results are beyond my expectation and many lessons to be taken from it !

In total 132 projects have been shared in 9 mint plans since Nov 21, of which 131 have minted.

The performance is insane: x4.2 with current FP or x7.5 with FP ATH! (As of April 19th).

And this is without even considering rarity, multiple mints, and secondary plays ...

Moving on to the analysis part.

MOST IMPORTANT RULE : you're selective with what you plan to mint

There are on average 10+ projects minting per day and clearly we need to be selective in advance and not just mint day by day. Having a plan will help you focus on important WL and not spread your time everywhere.

Indeed, it requires a lot of WL grinding to secure the plan but it is possible to secure a minimum with DAOs and grinding.

As I share the mints in advance, you can further optimize that ratio by adjusting your plan in the hours before mint and avoid some flops.

By doing so, I've raised that ratio to x5.4 on my own plan (55 mints vs 78), which also considers that you can't mint everything.

Now imagine if you compound your profit.

If you properly mix flip & hold, you could have started with 15-20sol and end up with 500+ sol right now. And that's not even considering selling at the tops!

Which brings me to all the lessons we can take from it.

INSIGHT 1 : You need 15-20 sol to start